What would it look like if every follower of Christ in a local congregation realized that God has placed them in the lives they live in, around the people they live with, for a purpose?
What would it look like if Christ followers also realized that purpose was to give those same people an opportunity to see the Gospel in action, to lovingly proclaim its message and give them a chance to respond?
The heart behind the MyCircle Initiative is to help equip the people of God to participate in God’s redemptive mission within the context of their daily lives and relationships, by helping them understand how to:
1. Identify the network of relationships in the midst of which God has placed them; this is their circle.
2. Meaningfully engage their circle through prayer and a tangible Gospel presence.
3. Share their grace story as well as proclaim the Gospel to the people in their circle.
Whether a person is a new believer or a life-long follower, MyCircle will help equip them by giving practical ways to live a life of mission and understand the theology behind it, all within an ongoing framework of accountability, encouragement and prayer. Participants will have their hearts moved, minds expanded and wills challenged to not be satisfied with missional inactivity.
Whether your desire is to walk through the material personally, as a small group, or as an entire congregation, the MyCircle Training can be formatted to meet your needs. It can be taught live, or via DVDs.
Please contact us if you have any questions about how to bring The MyCircle Training to your family, small group, and/or congregation.